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from a dream to reality...

Medical Innovative Products
Medical-IP is a company that looks for solutions for any problem. We have focused on issues in the medical industry, but we have developed many problem solving products that are not medical.
We look for problems that need to be solved. We have developed a pain salve that works better than any other pain salve. We have developed anti-microbial surface materials for Hospitals to replace current materials that promote growth of pathogens, bacteria , virus, and fungus/mold. We have also developed a surgical instrument cleaning system that cleans surgical instruments @ 9 million more cells per area left than hospitals currently clean.
We as a company are committed to recognizing problems, and making a full commitment to finding a solution. The product that we are known for the most is Ultimate Pain Salve.
In this spirit we are grateful for finding a way for many people (no guarantees that it will help everyone with pain issues) to reduce their pain. This salve is a non-addicting way to reduce pain without diminishing mental clarity or affecting motor skills. This salve is not guaranteed to remove all pain but we hope to give you the relief you deserve.

Hello I am John Hopkins
John Hopkins is a creative and inventor. He has spent most of his life problem solving, in his words "I see a problem and I have to fix it my brain wont let me think of anything else."
He is a chairman of the Michigan Inventors Coalition and has made it his mission to help inventors like himself.
In 2022 he was suffering with pain in his feet and back and through research, discovered hops extract is a great anti-inflammatory.
At home he started mixing ingredients and coming up with his own personal recipe to help sooth some of the pain he had. unknowingly to himself he made his first batch of Ultimate pain salve not knowing it would be as big as it is today.
Johns goal is to help as many people as he can with his salve.
What Is Ultimate Pain Salve?
This is a pain salve that works! Over 9,000 people have found pain relief using this salve. For you who are not aware of our product.
We have had 2,000 patrons with knee pain, 50 have canceled their knee surgery,1,500 with foot pain (arthritis, bone spurs, Plantar fasciitis, gout, Arch cramps) , Cranky Leg syndrome from diabetes, 2,700 with shoulder acks, & pain, Arthritis and carpel tunnel in hands, 2,500s with back pain, migraine headaches, menstrual cramps and more.
Please ask us if anyone has had your type of pain, let us tell you if our Pain salve that works! We want to help you! Over 9,100 people have found pain relief using this salve.
We don't use CBD in our product and of the people who have tried it & have used CBD have stated that this salve has worked better for them.
What other products we've created
Medical Innovative Products has been around for a long time here are some other products we have created!
Email us at for more information about these unique products.